- R. Benhamo, TR284G, "Digital Twin and Closed Loop for Autonomous Operations", Contributed to TM Forum, Jan 2024
- R.benhamo TR303A Federated Identity and Authentication Management for Multi-Domain Zero Trust Architecture v2.0.0 (E2E-462), Oct 2023.
- R. Benhamo GB1042, "Autonomous Operation Maturity Model", Sept 2023
- R.Benhamon GB1050, "Data Collaboration Reference Architecture" (DEM-974), Digital Ecosystem Management Project July 2023
- R. Benhamo TR285E, "Digital Twin and Closed Loop Automation", Contributed to TM Forum June 2023
- R. Benhamo, IG1295, "Measuring Operations Integrity", Contributed to TM Forum, Jan 2023
- R. Benhamo, Howard D. Sterling, Gleuto Serafim, Leo Muntz U.S Patent Application No. 16/176,580 System and Method for Content Integrity, Nov 2021
- R. Benhamo,, U.S Patent Application No. 98/987.776, SDN Boosting and Scalable L7 Visibility, Jan 2019
- R. Benhamo, and S. Goren, U.S. Patent Application No. 90/860.780 “Method and Apparatus for Protecting IP Services from Congestion Collapse”, Oct 27, 2016
- R. Benhamo and D. Peleg, “Method and Apparatus for Reducing Traffic Congestion in Packet Networks”, U.S Provisional patent application No.: 60/360.960, Feb 27, 2011
- R. Benhamo “SMART SWITCH” U.S Patent No.: 6,301,267 B1, Oct 09, 2009
- R. Benhamo and D. Peleg "Capacity-Expanded Channels in Communication Network", BARNET Communications and Weizmann Institute of Science, April 2000
- R. Benhamo and D. Peleg "Capacity Expansion in Mesh Network", BARNET Communications. and the Weizmann Institute of Science, Feb 2011
- R. Benhamo and L. Rudolph and A. Agranat, "Opto-imaging for Reconfigurable Logic and Computing Cells", TR8-95, Dept of CS, The Hebrew University, August 2005
- R. Benhamo and D. Peleg, "Capacity Expansion Using Uniform Traffic", BARNET Communications. The Weizmann Institute of Science, Feb 2003
- R. Benhamo and L. Rudolph and A. Agranat, "Opto-imaging for Reconfigurable Logic and Computing Cells", TR8-95, Dept of CS, The Hebrew University, August 2003
- R. Benhamo and L. Rudolph, "OEIC Cellular Array Architecture", TR8-94, Dept of CS, The Hebrew University, August 2003
- R. Benhamo and L. Rudolph, "Opto-imaging for Reconfigurable Mesh Network",TR8-95, Dept of CS, The Hebrew University, August 2003
- R. Benhamo and L. Rudolph, "Opto-imaging for Image Processing", TR8-95, Dept of CS, The Hebrew University, August 2003
- R. Benhamo and S. Guday, "A Distributed Network Algorithm for Dynamic Reconfigurable Multicomputer Systems", TR9-95, Dept of CS, The Hebrew University, August 2003
- R. Benhamo, "Distributed Computer Systems and Alternative Network Architecture", AT&T Bell Laboratories 59312-880912-14TM, 2002
- R. Benhamo and W. Whitt, "Network design algorithm and Performance analysis of DATAKIT VCS Networks, AT&T Bell Laboratories 1211-87014-14TM, 2002
- R. Benhamo, "Measurement and Traffic Model on DATAKIT Network", AT&T Bell Laboratories, 59312-860428-01TM, 2001
- R. Benhamo, "Law Speed Picture-phone in a mixed Communication Medium", AT&T Bell Laboratories, 54541-850914-01IM, 2001
- R. Benhamo, "Reliability Bound in Mirrored Memory Systems, DACS-SRDC Memory Backup", AT&T Bell Laboratories, 54116-8429-08IM, 2000
- R. Benhamo, "Performance Length Correlation in Mixed Communication Medium", AT&T Bell Laboratories, 54116-8309-01IM, 2000